Thursday, April 22, 2010

America's Next Top Model - Episode 7 - Bring On the Hair.

First of all, my apologies for missing last week’s episode in the blog. I was on vacation without access to a computer (gasp!), and by the time I got home, I thought ‘meh, what’s the point’.

Another Wednesday, another model gone.

We start the episode out with the girls meeting Whitney Port from The City (because she had outgrown The Hills) and an ex model/designer who’s wearing gigantic fake eyelashes. My bf actually let out a small screech and recoiled when he saw her. The girls get into some of Whitney’s designs and are told to let the personality of the outfit shine through them. What does that mean exactly? Not too sure, and apparently neither are the girls. Jessica says her outfit makes her feel classy so she puts her nose a little further into the air when she walks.

Now that the girls are channeling the energy of their dresses, they get sent to a club where they will be “performing” for a group of drag queens. Of course, they’re nervous as hell because who can outperform a man dressed as a woman in a feather boa singing a mean rendition of “I Will Survive”? Their challenge is to walk the runway and let their personalities show through their walk. Gotta say, pretty weak. The ANTM producers must have been hungover or something – not a lot of effort went into this one. The girls stomp it out – worst stomp definitely goes to Anslee who didn’t even crack a smile. Her personality is apparently BEEEEEOOOoooooo. Best stomp went to Krista, who pounded it out and got a huge round of cheers from the Queens. She ends up winning the challenge (point!), but for the life of me I can’t remember what she won.

Back at the house, the girls are getting ready to leave for their photoshoot. Alasia, as usual, is acting like a 5 year old and refuses to get ready in a timely fashion. The girls all yell at her to hurry up, but she takes her time fluffing up her MASSIVE afro – seriously, she unnecessarily worked that thing for like 45 minutes. Eventually the rest of the girls jump in the elevator and leave her behind. This does not please Alasia. She pushes the elevator button literally 100 times before realizing that taking the stairs would probably be a good idea at this point. She runs down the stairs, complaining the whole way about the girls not telling her they were leaving, and jumps into the waiting limo. Not sure why the girls waited for her, I would have ditched her ass for sure. Best comment of the night: “You’re an idiot”. They didn’t show who said it, but someone did and it was perfect – short, sweet, and completely accurate.

In what would have to be top 3 grosses ideas for a photoshoot ever, the girls are put into dresses made entirely out of human hair. Human. Hair. Angelea tells the camera that “it stink. IT STINK”. I think I actually felt my skin crawl at that point. Anyhoo, the girls get put into to teams: Team Weavin’ Steven and Team Something I forget cuz it didn’t rhyme with weavin’. The two hair masters help the girls into their hair apparel and the photos start flying. Anslee and Alexandra both look extremely awkward when they pose, and its clear that they will likely be in the bottom two.

Now that we’re down to only 7 girls, its getting very easy to predict the order the names are called in. But before we get to judging, the ANTM producers once again have a doozy of an idea, and the judges pretend to fall asleep. Then these giant Zs come down from the sky, then some sheep appear…it gets weird. All of this is a segway to announcing where the girls will go for the international portion of the season – they’re going to New Zealand. I guess the Z in New Zealand is what brought on this weird sleep segment – really made no sense and was on weirdness par with the Tyra-bot from a few seasons ago.

The first name Tyra calls is….
Krista (point!) - Krista looks like Grace Jones in her photo, her cheekbones look amazing, and she shows off the hair dress like no other.
Angelea – now, I don't agree with this one, I think she looks like she’s spasming, but the judges love it.
Raina – truly looks stunning in the photo, her white skin is offset by her super dark hair (on her head and on her body)
Jessica – her little jump shot was cute, although her toe point seemed cliché to Andre. Although we all know that if she hadn’t pointed her toe, they would have hated it.
Alasia – her face looks super boring in the pic, but Andre likes the way she’s flipping the dress hair. It does look pretty sweet.

And now it’s down to the bottom two – Alexandra and Anslee. Anslee has a stunning face, but can’t quite get the body right. Tyra thinks she would make a great beauty model. Alexandra takes ‘okay’ pictures, and lucks out sometimes with a good one. Is it enough????? Apparently it is, because Tyra keeps Tubbs in and boots the baby mama. Had to know she wouldn't stay much longer because she kept talking about her damn kid.

That’s it folks! Until next time…………….stay fierce.

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